sour tsunami strain

Sour tsunami strain

The Sour Tsunami is a strain that became famous for being one of the first to be specifically bred for high CBD rather than THC content, is a high-CBD strain of cannabis that was created by breeding Sour Diesel and NYC Diesel. It is known for its calming and relaxing effects, without producing the psychoactive “high” typically associated with marijuana use.The Sour tsunami hemp is effective at treating pain and inflammation without producing a significant “high” that is linked to high THC. Lawrence Ringo of the Southern Humboldt Seed Collective bred this strain over four years of hard work by crossing Sour Diesel plants with NYC Diesel. This sativa-dominant hybrid flowers within 9 weeks, producing dense, dark green buds with dark green and purple-tinged leaves. The buds have a familiar musky diesel smell with sweet undertones.

Sour Tsunami is a Sativa-dominant hybrid that was first bred by Lawrence Ringo of the Southern Humboldt Seed Collective. After crossing an NYC Diesel with the Sour Diesel strain and back-crossing it with a Sour Diesel clone, Ringo then crossed the resulting genetics, which he named Double Diesel, to a West Coast Sativa-dominant strain called Ferrari.

In 2010, Ringo then crossed those genes back with Sour Diesel, and the CBD-rich strain known as Sour Tsunami was officially bred. When grown from seeds, the strain is known for producing several phenotypes, of which about 25 percent will produce CBD-rich flowers.

The strain won second place in 2018 for best CBD flower at Colorado’s famed Rooster Cup.

sour tsunami strain


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